Do you want to take your studies and passion for plants and herbalism to the next level, by sharing that love with others? Would you like to host your own medicine making circles? As well as step deeper into the role of a herbalist offering your unique creations and consultations? It can be daunting stepping out into the public sphere, but the rewards are boundless.
This four month mentorship program, run by Lily of the Herbs, is designed to give you experience in facilitation, creating spaces, and birthing your own offerings. Participants all undergo a application process before being accepted into the mentorship.
What does the mentorship involve?
Spaced over four months and beginning in March 2025, a small, select group will join me deepening into the art of facilitation and creation whilst sharing the principles and practices of Elemental Herbalism.
Two-day retreat: Learn to facilitate a medicine-making workshop and acquire the skills of space holding February 22nd & 23th.
4 Fortnightly group meetings on Thursday evenings 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Beginning March 2024
Four one-on-one sessions online to support you in designing, developing or expanding your unique offerings.
Four-day retreat: Assist in teaching and in the setup and takedown of one of the 2024 Elemental Herbalism trainings.
Where does this lead you?
Graduates will possess the skills and knowledge necessary to:
Facilitate their own full and multi-day medicine-making workshops
Incorporate medicine making and related offerings
Conduct weed walks and foraging tours
Create and market a range of herbal products online and at training events
Work one-on-one with individuals to offer elemental medicine and lifestyle advice
Serve as assistant teachers during the Elemental Herbalism four-day training and eventually lead their own four-day trainings.
Become part of the leadership group of the national Elemental Herbalism movement with lifelong access to the network.

Prerequisites for the advanced Elemental Herbalism mentorship with Lily of the Herbs
Graduate of The Way of the Herbalist
All participants must have completed the four month online training and demonstrated that they can make all medicines and understand key concepts to a suitable level.
A semi or already established network
This is not a dealbreaker, but having a online or already established client base that are engaged in your journey will be supportive in setting up a herbal business.
Confidence in a leadership position
Past experience in facilitation or working with clients on a 1:1 basis will stand you in good stead to hold circles and create spaces that are inclusive, safe and educational.
The idea is to have at least two people per state in Australia being mentored each year.
Course materials:
Facilitator manual and pdf handouts to use and reprint for medicine making circles/ foraging walks.
Client intake forms and templates for advertising circles and sessions.
Whatsapp group support chat.
Profile on lilyoftheherbs.com/ support with marketing and advertising.
How to sign up: